- A day at the Inn – Tour, Hearth Cooking, Take home hand-crafted item
- 4th grade Field Day – Prior booking is required, space is limited. Classes spend their time learning and interacting at individual hands-on stations at two of the historic parks. Historic interpreters at 8 different stations. This is a one-day program
- School tours – For one class only. We tailor each visit to the grade and the curriculum
- Colonial Life – Indigenous peoples, Slavery on Long Island, and more
- Gardening – Educational program by Master Gardener Jane Corrarino; observing the Master Gardener Program’s care of our gardens

Youth Programs
Boy Scout Venturing Crew #178 from Jamaica, Queens trekked out to the Moriches to visit the Ketcham Inn. The Crew was treated to a tour by President Mr. Bertram Seides. The youth learned about the history of the Inn, historic preservation and its importance to the community and that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were actually visitors at the Inn. During their visit, they visited the Teepee, the Community Garden, and the Book Barn. The Crew was surprised to learn how many years Mr. Seides has dedicated to preserving the history of the Moriches. They visited the book barn and expressed an interest in returning to see future improvements to the Ketcham Inn.

Visit from Center Moriches High School Garden Club organized and directed by Jane Corrarino