Brief History of the Foundation
1989 August 20, Fire, Building & Site offered to Grassroots Preservation Activists Ketcham Inn Committee
1989 December, Ketcham Inn Foundation Incorporated (KIFI) to buy the property and preserve the building on the site (Founder: Bertram E. Seides)
1990, Certificate of Incorporation obtained
1992 March 9, Site & building placed on NY State Register of Historic Places
1992 March 13, Historic Site status granted by Town of Brookhaven Historic District Advisory Committee
1992 September 24, awarded $94,050 E.Q.B.A. Grant
1993 June 27, Placed on the National Register of Historic Places

Captain John Hulbert and his company of Suffolk County Militia received provisions at Ben Havens’ Tavern.
More info
1993 November 30, Inn purchased by K.I.F.I. for $175,000
1994, Received $94,050 check from N.Y. State OPRHP
1995 February 24, EPF Grant application deadline
1995 May 29, First Annual Memorial Day reenactment educational program
1995 June, Archeological Dig by Suffolk and Dowling College
1996 January 18, awarded $88,280 E.P.F. Grant
1996, First Archeological Dig work Data Report produced
1996 June 2, Archeological Dig Suffolk & Dowling Colleges Emergency Landscape grading req. by Federal Standards
1996 June, EPF Grant Sign required by OPRHP, received July 1996
1996 December, 327 Red Cedar trees planted around historic site
1997 April 14, paid balloon mortgage balance of $18,000 (estate of Arthur Bauer agrees to receive $12,000 at closing)
KIFI owns the Inn free and clear
1997 June 3, Archeological Dig by Suffolk and Dowling College
1997 October 30, recipient of $1,500 matching Grant from The National Trust for Historic Preservation, for Historic Structures Report (HRS) by Alison Cornish, Preservation Consultant
1997 November, the donated Raynor Barn, dismantled by Steve Mar Construction Estimators, Inc. and moved to Ketcham Inn site by J. Leuthardt
1997 October 14, KIFI received a payment of $22,000 early emergency reimbursement from the $88,000 EQBA grant
1997, KIFI active members asked by Committee to save 1898 St. John’s R.C., Church, Center Moriches, to spearhead landmark efforts. Legal suit brought against Brookhaven Town Board, efforts fail and church is destroyed
1998, Awarded $100,000 Grant from OPRHP
1998 August 18, Restoration seminar, East Moriches United Methodist Church
1998 March 26, requested remodeling of 1950 addition is approved by OPRHP non historic portion of Terry-Ketcham Inn
1998 September, Exterior of east wing, built in 1950’s, was remodeled in compliance with Federal Standards and OPRHP, to be the KIFI office
1998 August, Specification approval for foundation and east chimney stack restoration (Approved for grant 12/8/98)
1999 June, Archeological Dig Suffolk and Dowling Colleges to locate original site of barn completed
1999, Removal of failed east chimney stack by RAS Mason
1999 June, Archeological dig by Dowling College to document chimney base
1999 September, Barn frame restoration by Mark Charles, master timber framer, from Historic Deerfield, completed and barn raising a success
1999 September 29, Bertram E. Seides, appointed member of Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum Commission Trustee No. 6
2000, 1770 Eastport historic house frame scheduled demolition by Operation Fire Storm saved by KIFI. Skeletal frame donated to KIFI historic site for restoration as carriage barn
2000 August, Dawn House Movers, move 1770 Eastport house to KIFI site
2000 October 12, Brookhaven Town Council commits to Public hearing for request by KIFI’s Historic District Committee for establishment of Moriches Historic District, Center Moriches Historic District, East Moriches Historic District and Eastport Historic District
2000 October, submitted EPF voucher for reimbursement
2000 November 21, Historic District approved 6-1 vote by TOB Council. Grant from George Guldi, $500
2001, Dawn House Movers jacked up Inn in preparation of sill and floor joist restoration project
2001 January 12, received amended contract, OPRHP signed by Kevin Burns
2001, Hay Barn donated from Franklin Raynor Farm, Eastport
2001, Established organic vegetable garden
2001, Robert H. Pelletreau Distinguished Service Award to Bertram E. Seides in Historic Preservation for meritorious efforts in historic preservation
2002, June Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities (SPLIA) presents Howard C. Sherwood Award for saving the Ketcham Inn in Center Moriches, creating historic districts and advocating historic preservation on the South Shore
2002, Annual Book Barn Fundraiser $5,431
2003, OPRHP approval for Grant, specifications accepted
2003, Carriage barn donated by Eastport Holding Company
2003, Senator Kenneth LaValle $10,000 Line Item Grant
2003, Annual Book Barn fundraiser $8,117
2004, National Herb Society $600 Grant
2004 November, Dawn House Movers lowers Inn onto restored foundation
2004 December 14, Bertram E. Seides, President received first Pelletreau Award Given by the Bellport–Brookhaven Historical Society
2004, Annual Book Barn fundraiser $10,027
2005, Completed floor joist system mortise and tenon pegged
2005, August Patricia Eddington secures $50,000 Grant for restoration
2005, Picket fence constructed for garden reflective of the painting Fair Exchange No Robbery by William Sidney Mount
2005 June, close out of $88,000 Grant from OPRHP
2005 December, closeout of $10,000 Grant
2005, Annual Book Barn fundraiser $11,438
2006 January, Edward Romaine secures $2,500 Legislative Grant for Education Program
2006 May 11, 10th Annual House Tour $2,000
2006 May 17, received $25,000 from Gerry Charitable Trust
2006 September, Roof project completed by Scott and Billy Brown Timber-framers
2006, East chimney restoration September through November RAS Mason
2006, Annual Book Barn fundraiser $16,368.50
2006, Town of Brookhaven Discretionary Funds $2,500
2006, Thanks for Giving Fundraiser $9,050 (Largest received to date)
2007, Membership & Donations $7,725
2007 May, $50,000 Eddington Grant (Reimbursement approved)
2007 June 27, Reimbursement received ($50,000)
2007 July, (date of closing) 5-Acres purchased by Suffolk County
2007 August 29, East Chimney stack completed
2007 November, closeout of $10,000 Senator Kenneth LaValle Grant
2007 November 23-24, Historic Kenny Hay Barn and c. 1860 out building donated to restoration site
2007 December 15, Thanks 4 Giving Fundraiser $12,935
2007 December, KIFI received keys to house & barn on 5-acres
2007 December, Memorial Fund in memory Van R. Field, Vice President $3,110
2007 December, Keney Barn & Tool shop donated
2007 December, Annual Book Barn Fundraiser $14,650
2008 April 13, First annual Authors & Autographs
2008 May 13, Replica of Historic sign delivered by Sal Pelosi South Street Sea Portcarver
2008 May 19, $5,000 Initiative Grant sponsor Senator Kenneth P. LaValle
2008 May 20, County Parks Commissioner, John Pavacic views two buildings and 5 acres
2008 May 24, Kerriann Flanagan Brosky & Joe Giaquinto interview for book
2008 August, Received $20,000 from Gerry Charitable Trust
2008 August, Restored Tool Shop donated from Kenny Estate
2008 September, Restoration of 1710 Firebox RAS Mason
2008 September, Restoration of 1710 Mantle surrounds Scott W. Brown Timber-framer
2008 September, Annual Book Barn Fundraiser $13,830 ongoing
2008 October 2, Kerriann Brosky Ghost of Long Island released – Ketcham Inn story included
2009 May, Moriches Offshore Reef Fund, Inc. gifted $3,000
2010 January 11, Awarded $5,000, Suffolk County operating Budget Funds
2010 March 30, Awarded $75,000 EPF Grant
2010 April 16, Special use permit for Havens Ketcham Cultural Visitor Center (HKCVC)
2010 April 30, Received Keys to HKCVC
2010 May 11, NYSOPRHP – Tracy Balone visits the Inn
2010 May 16, Town of Brookhaven Supervisor, Mark Lesko visits the Inn
2010 July 4, Teepee donated, brought to the Ketcham Inn for restoration
2011 September 10, Historic landmark status granted Mary E. Bell House
2011, South front porch frame erected into historic mortise locations
2012 January 14, Ketcham Inn site acts as backdrop for music video for the band “Tigers on Trains”
2013, August 7, Ketcham Inn Foundation begins stewardship of the Mary E. Bell House
2013, August 12, Ketcham Inn Foundation begins stewardship of the Smith Farm
2014 December 5, Recipient of the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation Inc, Gardiner Grant
2015 January, Ketcham Inn was highlighted in the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation Newsletter
2015 July 4, The Board of Trustees of The Ketcham Inn Foundation Inc. sponsored the Restoration Celebration at the Terrill-Havens-Terry-Ketcham Inn, our 25th Anniversary
2015 September 9, Close-Out of Environmental Protection Fund Grant, reimbursement received
2015 September 30, Landmark status granted to John Scudder and Mary Pelletreau Havens Homestead
2015 December, Old House Journal features Ketcham Inn as a sidebar to Bert Seides‘ 1881 Victorian preserved residence
2016 May 3, NYSOPRHP Jennifer Betsworth, field rep. to visit Ketcham Inn, Havens Homestead, Havens Estate, Mary E. Bell House, Woodlawn and The Moriches Cultural Heritage Area. State Register applications pending
2016 May 25, Met deadline for Suffolk County Revitalization Grant in conjunction with Brookhaven Town; Application pending
2016 November 30, Recipient of Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation Inc. Cooking Grant
2017 February 19, Recipient of Legislative Grant
2017 March 6, Recipient of New York Community Trust Grant
2017, August 14, Renewal of lease agreement for Smith Farm
2018 February 21, Recipient of Legislative Grant
2018 December, Recipient of New York Community Trust Grant
2019 January, Recipient of Legislative Grant, Al Krupski
2019 May 10, Dendrochronologists Edward Cook, Research Professor, and Paul Krusic, PhD Cambridge, visit
2019 May 22, Mary E. Bell House Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
2019 July 6, Celebrating 30th Anniversary of Ketcham Inn Foundation
2019, Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation Inc. Cooking Grant, Kathryn M. Curran, Executive Director
2020, NYSOPRHP Application submitted for Mary E. Bell House on the state register up for review Sept 10, 2020
2020 June 19, Juneteenth celebrated at the Historic Mary E. Bell House, 66 Railroad Ave, Center Moriches – Video
2020 July, Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation Inc. COVID-19 Grant, Kathryn M. Curran, Executive Director
2020 October, Dahlquist Foundation allocated funds for interior restoration
2020 October 23, Mary E. Bell House listed on N.Y. State Register of Historic Places
2020 November 13, Mary E. Bell House listed on National Register of Historic Places
2020 December 30, Bertram E. Seides received New York State Historic Preservation Award for the Mary E. Bell House Restoration – Video
2021 January, Corner cupboard, of Conklin-Havens ownership, transferred from Long Island Museum of American Art, History, & Carriages to Ketcham Inn Foundation, Inc. As seen on p. 128, item 146 of Long Island is My Nation, by Dean F. Failey (Corner Cupboard, 1725-1750, East Moriches, Pine)
2021 January, William G. Pomeroy Foundation approves national register plaque for Mary E. Bell House
2021 May, Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation “Gardiner Youth Scholars” Award recipient, $1500 stipend
2021 June, Pomeroy Foundation National Register plaque installed at Mary E. Bell House
2021 August, Watch Gardiner Youth Scholar Zachary Jakob’s video presentation
2021 November, Dahlquist Foundation Inc. funded installation of dining room ceiling
2021 December, Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation Digital Tapestry Grant Award
2022 January, Ketcham Inn recipient of legislative grant
2022 May 31, Ketcham Inn Community Garden designated a NYS Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardener volunteer site
2022 November, Conceptual image of Benjamin Havens (1712-1797) & reproduction of Anna Floyd painting (1792) by Ralph Earl produced for Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation Digital Tapestry project
2022 December 9, Luncheon hosted at Ketcham Inn for Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation grantees. See more
2023 January, Ketcham Inn recipient of legislative grant
2023 March 28, Final payment made to 360 XR LLC (Revolutionary War Digital Tapestry Augmented Reality Project)
2023, Renewal of lease agreement for Smith Farm
2024 August 21, State/National Register Application submitted to NYSOPRHP for John S. Havens Homestead, received by Jeff Iovannone, PhD, Historic Preservation Program Analyst