Our garden restoration program is ongoing and orchestrated by Dr. Jane Corrarino. She will be doing an overview plan of vegetable and flower gardens appropriate to the 18th century for the Ketcham Inn site. Seed sowing and plant propagation has begun.
Jane has worked tirelessly with other Master Gardeners to restore the three gardens on the Ketcham Inn site – a historically accurate 18th century colonial kitchen garden, a 19th century boxwood garden, and a large community garden, which donates all produce to local food pantries. The Ketcham Inn has now been designated as an ‘approved site’ for Master Gardeners to complete their volunteer hours in order to maintain certification.
If you are interested in participating in this outside, open-air event, and would enjoy cultivating and planting perennial historic gardens. Contact Dr. Corrarino at [email protected]

Volunteers are always welcome to join us with planting, maintaining and harvesting. Call (631) 878-1855 or email [email protected]